Video & Phone Consults Available
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Video & Phone Consults Available

Video & Phone Consults Available

Here at Brighton Spine and Sports Clinic we hope to be able to support our clients and colleagues during this difficult and confusing time. Our clinic is classified as an essential service, therefore we are following and implementing all guidelines from the Department of Health and adhering to all public health advice.

Your health and safety is of the utmost importance to us, as is that of all our staff. We will be taking extra time to clean each treatment table between patients and will be wiping down all surfaces in treatment rooms, pilates studio, clinical rehab gym and reception frequently.

We remain open at the clinic for initial and review consultations but if you feel unable to venture out into the community, please get in contact. Technology enables us to offer phone or video consultations so that you feel safe and comfortable.

Please phone our reception team on 9596 7211 to find out which practitioners can offer an online or phone session (these consultations may be claimable through medicare or private health – check with your health fund).

Thank you for your continued support of our practitioners and services. Sending our warmest wishes for your continued health and well being.